Is it really that time of year again? Is it really time to start prepping for back to school? Crayons and backpacks are the hot ticket items in the stores because August is here and whether there’s only a week left of summer for your tykes or they do not go back until after Labor Day, it is time to get prepared for the school year. Prepping for the year at preschool or elementary school includes making sure the shoes fit and the pencils are sharpened. Most important, we all know the best way to be ready for the day is a healthy breakfast!
Unfortunately, mornings are always super busy, and it can be difficult to get up, get dressed, get the kids ready, and prepare a nutritious meal, sometimes two if you pack lunches.
Here are some of our favorite go-to healthy breakfast options that don’t take up your whole morning!
Smoothies: There are tons of great smoothie recipes to enjoy out there! Tasty, healthy, and delicious, the large number of options out there means there is a smoothie to suit your needs. Does your child love peanut butter, but not bananas? Throw both into the blender! Enjoys blueberries, but won’t eat iron-rich spinach? Dark fruits and vegetables hide those essential leafy greens. What makes smoothies really easy is it only takes a few minutes, or can be easily meal prepped ahead of time and stored in the fridge. Homemade Breakfast
Bars: Meal-prepping on a slow day, can pay off on those crazy mornings where you only have time to grab and go. Experiment with what works for your family and make some quick and easy breakfast bars to have on hand. Use steel-cut rolled oats, flax seed, or buckwheat as a base. Almond butter or tahini - for our peanut-free friends - can be a tasty sticky agent. Pumpkin or banana can add some fun flavor. Need to sneak in some vegetables? Finely shredded zucchini or carrots can be disguised by using cocoa powder in your recipe. The best part? These bars are customizable to your family’s taste!
Slow-cooker anything!: If you know you don’t have time in the morning, and you have a slow-cooker, get breakfast started the night before. Whether it is overnight oats, applesauce, or porridge, getting the slow-cooker going the night before can save time. You control the ingredients going into your breakfast, guaranteeing there’s no allergens or a lot of sugar. Plus, what is better than waking up in the morning to the smell of your favorite spices, like cinnamon or nutmeg in the morning?
BONUS IDEA! Ahead of time, make pancakes or waffles, put them in a plastic bag in sets of two, and freeze them until you need them.
Getting the day started well, sets the family up for success. If your little ones are nervous, especially for the first year of preschool or kindergarten, throw a back to school breakfast party. Decorate the kitchen, let the kids decorate their own waffles, and pack the backpack as a family. Back to school can be stressful, but being prepared and using breakfast for tasty, family bonding time can set everyone up for a great day and a great year.